Friday 30 March 2012

Vive La France!

Hot on the heels of CityVille’s recent International announcement, it is make a French connection. CityVille now has French items available. Check out your Build Menu for more.

How To Remove A Franchise In CityVille?

I am sure that many of you are wondering how to remove a Franchise in CityVille and I am going to share some information with you on this matter, even though some of you might be disappointed with the answer.
Let’s start with some really simple steps to remove a franchise you have accepted in your CityVille city. Here is what you need to do:
- click the tools button and select “Remove” (the bulldozer icon):

- simply click the franchise store you want to remove from your own city and select Yes.

However, I am sure that most of you are trying to remove a Franchise request (or several) that have been sent to players that either just tried out the game or got tired of it and now you only have the “request pending” or “remind” icons there… and it’s frustrating. Unfortunately, the answer to this problem is not nice at all: we can’t, at the moment of writing this article, remove a franchise request from our neighbors. So if they’re not there to reject it, we will have a pending request (and no refunds) until Zynga decides to tweak how franchises work in CityVille.

What Is The Maximum Number Of Franchise HQ And Lots In CityVille?

Franchises are, in CityVille, a really nice way to make a lot more coins, especially if you are pretty active and your friends are the same, since you can get multiplier bonuses too. However, you are probably wondering what are the limits (if any) when it comes to building your franchises or allowing your friends to build their own businesses on your land (on the empty land lots you can place yourself).

There are indeed limits when it comes to this, and I am going to share them with you so you can know exactly how to plan your businesses and drive your city forward. So here is the maximum number of franchise HQ you can build, as well as the maximum number of empty land lots allowed:

Franchises: you are allowed to have a maximum of 6 franchise HQ currently in the game. However, if you reach level 50 and have 6 franchise HQ placed already, you will see a message from Zynga: “Next franchise at level 60″ – something that is certainly a teaser.

Empty lots: you are allowed to place a maximum of 26 empty lots on your land, meaning that you can’t have more than 26 businesses of your friends opened in your city. However, I think that it’s a pretty high number anyway.

CityVille Franchise Update Makes Franchising A Lot Easier!

No more searching for empty franchise spots, say goodbye to the tens of requests for franchises as soon as you put up a new land lot: CityVille has now an updated Franchise mechanic, one that makes Franchises a lot simpler in the game!

Basically, the requirement for having an empty lot in CityVille has been removed and now all you need to do is to send a franchise request to a neighbor after visiting their city: now every time you visit a neighbor, you will see on the left hand side of the screen a Franchise Request button and you can click it to send your neighbor a request for placing a franchise in their town:

After clicking the button, a new menu with the available franchises will pop up and you will be able to send your neighbor a personalized request to open up a new franchise. Easy and really helpful!

Guide For Building And Upgrading The Clown College In CityVille

Zynga maybe has forgotten about a little element for the Circus Theme that has just been pulled off from the CityVille store: the Clown College, a building that we can build and upgrade for some nice bonuses for our towns. Fortunately, they have released the building now and it doesn’t really matter that it didn’t hit the store at the same time with the theme. So read on to find out everything about the Clown College in CityVille!

First of all, it’s worth noting that only players level 50 and above can start building the Clown College in CityVille and it’s not an easy task: after whacking the building 9 times, you will have to ask your friends to staff it before it becomes functional. And when it does, it will allow 730 more population in your city.

But the nice thing is that you can start the upgrade for the Clown College immediately, by adding 10 extra staff.

If you manage to do this, you will increase the capacity offered by the Clown College by 1,650, which is pretty sweet!

Guide For The CityVille Library Upgrade

Well, mayors! It’s that time of the day when you have to upgrade once more one of your buildings in CityVille. This time we’re talking about an upgrade for the Library, one that you should complete without too much trouble: just read on this guide to learn everything about the upgrading process of the CityVille Library!

You can upgrade the Library if you are at least level 20 and have 1,000 population. An icon will appear above the Library, letting you know that an upgrade is available.

After clicking it, you will be taken to a very familiar window where you will have to add crew members in order to complete the upgrade: you will need to fill in 5 new positions and the Level 2 Library should now support 500 population.

CityVille Gets Higher Education Series Of Missions

Zynga has introduced two new buildings in CityVille, part of the Higher Education theme, and a new series of missions has appeared in the game for us to complete: it’s a set of no less than 7 new missions I am sure you’ll enjoy completing. Let’s check out the details about the CityVille Higher Education missions below:

Louise’s Homework CityVille Mission
- Have 1 Downtown Library in your city
- Collect from any Downtown Library 3 times

Higher Education! CityVille Mission
- Ask friends for 3 New Books
- Collect 1 Fountain Pen from the Bookworm Collection
- Collect rent from 40 Residences in your city

Edgar Gets Flunky CityVille Mission
- Collect from your franchises 2 times
- Send 30 Tour Buses to your neighbors’ Businesses
- Collect from any Bank 2 times in your city

Education Rules CityVille Mission
- Visit 15 friends
- Ask friends for 10 Pro Education Posters

Edgar’s College Try CityVille Mission
- Have 30,000 Coins
- Collect from any City Hall 2 times in your city
- Ask friends for 10 Hammers

Education Rises CityVille Mission
- Place Community College
- Collect from any Community College 2 times in your city
- Have 1 Crossing Guard

Bird Doctor CityVille Mission
- Ask friends for 8 Bird Books
- Have 1 Arboretum