Monday 26 March 2012

The New CityVille Train System Guide

Over the weekend, the kind folks at Zynga have released a new train system in CityVille, changing a lot the way trains work in the game and making them, in my opinion, a lot more useful since you no longer have to send your own goods to other players but instead click on wall feeds, as you will see in the guide below for the new train system in CityVille.

The interesting thing is that the change was not announced via an in-game pop-up or new quest, so you might have never noticed it unless I wrote about it here: I doubt that there were many people still using the trains in CityVille prior to the change. But now, clicking on your own train station will instantly deliver the changed mechanic, from the list of trains you can send:

As you can see, there are 4 trains that you can send to neighbors selling goods, and 4 to purchase goods. Clicking one of your choice will bring out the new information menu, that tells you everything about the train that’s about to depart:
In my example above, we have a train that will be back in 8 hours and bring me 1,000 coins. You will always have one guaranteed stop for your trains, but after sending the train and posting the news on your Facebook Wall, you can get bonuses from people clicking your wall feed: as you can see in example, if one more person would click, I would get double the coins amount, while if 4 people would click it I would get an extra 2,000 coins! The same works with goods, but of course the amounts are different.

Basically, you have a chance of earning a lot more goods this way, especially if you have a bunch of helpful neighbors around.

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