Friday 23 March 2012

The Learning Center Guide For CityVille

Zynga is clearly trying to find ways to help us have more space in our cities in CityVille and apparently grouping buildings into a single, bigger one is the way of the future. The Learning Center has been released in the game and allows us to move the education into one place in the game. Let’s find out together more about the Learning Center in CityVille!

The new structure will be introduced by a simple new goal: Creative Outlet that has the requirements listed below:

To build the Learning Center in CityVille, you will have to first get 5 items of each of the building materials (a total of 5 of them are required) and in order to upgrade to level 2, you will need 8 of each.

Once built, the Learning Center will allow you to store inside your Education Buildings, as well as Library and Museum Community Buildings. It does help you save some space, especially after you upgrade it, with level one already letting you store 4 buildings.

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