Monday 26 March 2012

CityVille Hotel Missions Guide Here

Zynga has released over the weekend the Hotel Resort in CityVille (a complete guide for it is coming soon!) alongside a new series of missions for us to complete, the CityVille Hotel Missions. As always, we are talking about very simple missions that won’t take too long to complete, but still a new challenge for us, so let’s check out all the details about the hotel missions in CityVille!

Get A Room! CityVille Goal
- Place Hotel
- Complete Hotel
Reward: Unlock Hammock

Lobby For Support! CityVille Goal
- Move 2 businesses into the resort area
- Supply hotel with goods
- Invite friends to your hotel
Reward: Unlock Hula Dancers

Cruise Control! CityVille Goal
- Supply 2 businesses in the resort area with goods
- Collect from Resort hotels
- Harvest cruise ship
Reward: Unlock Hotel Restaurant

Supply & Demand… Room Service! CityVille Goal
- Check-in 3 times to any friends’ hotels
- Upgrade to a second floor room 5 times
- Become a VIP in another friend’s hotel
Reward: Unlock Badminton

All In A Day’s Perk!
- Grant someone VIP access to your hotel
- Thank someone for visiting your hotels 2 times
Reward: Unlock Hotel Pool

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