Friday 23 March 2012

Sending And Accepting CityVille Gifts, Faster With Zynga Social Center

Zynga has decided to change their Zynga Message Center in CityVille (that nice interface that allowed you to accept gifts from neighbors and send some back) and upgraded it to the v2.0 which is the Zynga Social Center (ZSC). What changes does it bring and how does it affect you as a player – read on below to find out!

First of all, this new ZSC makes things a lot easier because it introduces multiple gift accepting (something that was live in FrontierVille for quite a while ago), meaning that if more neighbors send you the same type of gift, they will all be grouped in one notification and you’ll be able to accept them all with just one click!

The second biggest change brought in by this new feature is sending gifts back which is now made a lot, lot easier: simply clicking the Send Back button will automatically send the gift to a neighbor without giving you the irritating Facebook confirm pop-up.

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