Sunday 25 March 2012

CityVille Winter Clothing Goal Guide

Winter’s far from being over in CityVille and Zynga wants to make sure we know that by giving us a new rather difficult goal to complete: the Winter Clothing Goal about which you’ll find everything you need to know in this article.
“Your citizens are freezing! Collect winter clothing to keep them warm” tells the description of this new goal. In other words, here is what you need to do in order to complete the Winter Clothing Goal in CityVille:
- Ask friends for 7 Winter Mittens
- Ask friends for 7 Winter Coats
- Ask friends for 7 Winter Hats
There are multiple ways for you to get these items: you can either click the “Ask your friends” button near each required item and post on your wall, asking your friends to send some over, or you can receive them (and send them) as free gifts from the Free Gifts page.

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