Tuesday 27 March 2012

Beach Town Is Coming Soon In CityVille

Zynga certainly likes to plan way ahead and it seems that the same recipe has been applied to CityVille, as the game was launched with a “coming soon” area, the Beach Town.
Right now, we can see in the lower left side of our city a road that’s under construction and near it a sign that reads if you hover the mouse over: “Beach Town (coming soon)“. It sounds really exciting, but don’t get too carried away, since it will most likely be a long time before we’ll be able to access the Beach Town.

Until then, here is the proof that the Beach Town is indeed coming to CityVille:

If you play Zynga’s wild western adventure FrontierVille, you certainly know that when the game was launched almost six months ago, it was released with FOUR “coming soon” areas and none was released until today, so it might be pretty safe for us all to expect nothing more from Zynga in terms of new regions in CityVille.

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