Saturday 24 March 2012

Complete Guide To CityVille Factories

As I told you (and just as you’ve probably seen yourself), the CityVille factories are finally here in the game and I’m ready to share with you a complete guide to the CityVille factories, including how to build the factory, what does the factory do… you get it – exactly what a guide should do! So let’s waste no more time and start reading the guide to CityVille Factories!

What is the CityVille Factory?
Factories are new buildings that you MUST build in your city, because they will produce premium goods to supply your businesses with in order to increase your profits. But first, you must build it, which takes us to the next step:

How to get the CityVille Factory?
You will find it in your inventory and completing it is part of the City of Industry goal: after placing the frame anywhere in your city and click it 10 times (at a cost of 1 energy per click), you will need a bunch of building materials in order to complete the factory:

As you can see, you need 10 of each of the following items: Robotic Arm, Safety Goggles, Lunchbox, Work Uniform, Hard Hat. There are more ways for you to get the required items:

1) Click the ask friends button and select the friends you want to send the request to
2) Receive them (and also send them) as free gifts from the free gifts page: every player has 3 random factory elements that he or she can send to friends.

After completing the Factory, you will notice some changes at the goods bar, as seen below:

The new purple bar will represent the amount of Premium goods that you own (you have 1,000 storage for them, at the moment not upgradable), while the regular goods will be shown below.

How to produce Premium Goods in the CityVille factory?
You must first click the factory and see the new menu: there are 5 different jobs to select from and the prices vary, as you can see below:
Each job takes a different time to complete and provides a different amount of premium goods: the higher the pay for the worker, the more premium goods you get.
However, once you have selected a job, you will have the option to recruit your friends for help: for each friends that decides to help, you will receive extra premium goods to the base of goods you will produce anyways. So, as you can see in the example below, if you hire Chill Charles he will produce 25 goods, but the quantity will be increased if other neighbors join in.
After the counter goes to zero, your will be able to collect from the factory and get your premium goods!

Please note that when supplying your businesses, premium goods will be used first and they will give you bigger payments. Therefore, a smart thing to do is to always supply the businesses that give you the most money.

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