Friday 30 March 2012

How To Remove A Franchise In CityVille?

I am sure that many of you are wondering how to remove a Franchise in CityVille and I am going to share some information with you on this matter, even though some of you might be disappointed with the answer.
Let’s start with some really simple steps to remove a franchise you have accepted in your CityVille city. Here is what you need to do:
- click the tools button and select “Remove” (the bulldozer icon):

- simply click the franchise store you want to remove from your own city and select Yes.

However, I am sure that most of you are trying to remove a Franchise request (or several) that have been sent to players that either just tried out the game or got tired of it and now you only have the “request pending” or “remind” icons there… and it’s frustrating. Unfortunately, the answer to this problem is not nice at all: we can’t, at the moment of writing this article, remove a franchise request from our neighbors. So if they’re not there to reject it, we will have a pending request (and no refunds) until Zynga decides to tweak how franchises work in CityVille.

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