Monday 26 March 2012

Zynga Asks You About The Features Of The Next Building: CityVille Malls

Zynga is planning to release Malls in CityVille, but they seem to be out of ideas since they want you, the loyal CityVille player, to suggest them some features that the upcoming Malls should have. Here is what the developers have posted on the official CityVille forums:
“We are currently thinking of adding Malls as a feature to the game!

What would you like to see out of Malls? What special features would blow your mind if you get to see them in game?

What would you like the Mall structure to do when you click on it?
If you don’t like Malls, no problem! All suggestions are welcome, but please keep it on the topic of storage and keep it imaginative and constructive!”

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