Monday 26 March 2012

How To Get The Go Karts Business In CityVille

Tourism should matter a lot to you – at least virtually in CityVille – because tourists are those who bring in the big bucks for your city. In order to help you rip off those poor pleasure-seeking people, Zynga has decided to release the Go Karts business, one new building that will make you really happy.

How to build the Go Karts Business in CityVille: simply check out the build menu and get it from under the Businesses tab. You will need to get a bunch of building materials before being able to use the new business, and you can check out the requirements below:

As you can see, you will need 7 of each: racing pedals, bucket seat, racing wheel, checker flag and cone.
After completing the building, you should simply click the Go Karts in order to open it up for business. Have in mind though that it’s only open for a limited amount of time and it requires tourists to give you the most money, so it would be wise to open it when you release hotel tourists or cruise passengers for maximum payouts!
After you collect your money from the Go Karts in CityVille, you will notice a new icon: a wrench icon appears above the business, meaning that it’s in maintenance mode:

This only means that you need to collect some extra wrenches from your neighbors in order to be able to open the Go Karts again. You need three wrenches each time and if you really don’t like to wait, you can spend 36 city cash for them. But it’s generally easier and a lot cheaper if you decide to ask your neighbors for help!

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