Friday 30 March 2012

Vive La France!

Hot on the heels of CityVille’s recent International announcement, it is make a French connection. CityVille now has French items available. Check out your Build Menu for more.

How To Remove A Franchise In CityVille?

I am sure that many of you are wondering how to remove a Franchise in CityVille and I am going to share some information with you on this matter, even though some of you might be disappointed with the answer.
Let’s start with some really simple steps to remove a franchise you have accepted in your CityVille city. Here is what you need to do:
- click the tools button and select “Remove” (the bulldozer icon):

- simply click the franchise store you want to remove from your own city and select Yes.

However, I am sure that most of you are trying to remove a Franchise request (or several) that have been sent to players that either just tried out the game or got tired of it and now you only have the “request pending” or “remind” icons there… and it’s frustrating. Unfortunately, the answer to this problem is not nice at all: we can’t, at the moment of writing this article, remove a franchise request from our neighbors. So if they’re not there to reject it, we will have a pending request (and no refunds) until Zynga decides to tweak how franchises work in CityVille.

What Is The Maximum Number Of Franchise HQ And Lots In CityVille?

Franchises are, in CityVille, a really nice way to make a lot more coins, especially if you are pretty active and your friends are the same, since you can get multiplier bonuses too. However, you are probably wondering what are the limits (if any) when it comes to building your franchises or allowing your friends to build their own businesses on your land (on the empty land lots you can place yourself).

There are indeed limits when it comes to this, and I am going to share them with you so you can know exactly how to plan your businesses and drive your city forward. So here is the maximum number of franchise HQ you can build, as well as the maximum number of empty land lots allowed:

Franchises: you are allowed to have a maximum of 6 franchise HQ currently in the game. However, if you reach level 50 and have 6 franchise HQ placed already, you will see a message from Zynga: “Next franchise at level 60″ – something that is certainly a teaser.

Empty lots: you are allowed to place a maximum of 26 empty lots on your land, meaning that you can’t have more than 26 businesses of your friends opened in your city. However, I think that it’s a pretty high number anyway.

CityVille Franchise Update Makes Franchising A Lot Easier!

No more searching for empty franchise spots, say goodbye to the tens of requests for franchises as soon as you put up a new land lot: CityVille has now an updated Franchise mechanic, one that makes Franchises a lot simpler in the game!

Basically, the requirement for having an empty lot in CityVille has been removed and now all you need to do is to send a franchise request to a neighbor after visiting their city: now every time you visit a neighbor, you will see on the left hand side of the screen a Franchise Request button and you can click it to send your neighbor a request for placing a franchise in their town:

After clicking the button, a new menu with the available franchises will pop up and you will be able to send your neighbor a personalized request to open up a new franchise. Easy and really helpful!

Guide For Building And Upgrading The Clown College In CityVille

Zynga maybe has forgotten about a little element for the Circus Theme that has just been pulled off from the CityVille store: the Clown College, a building that we can build and upgrade for some nice bonuses for our towns. Fortunately, they have released the building now and it doesn’t really matter that it didn’t hit the store at the same time with the theme. So read on to find out everything about the Clown College in CityVille!

First of all, it’s worth noting that only players level 50 and above can start building the Clown College in CityVille and it’s not an easy task: after whacking the building 9 times, you will have to ask your friends to staff it before it becomes functional. And when it does, it will allow 730 more population in your city.

But the nice thing is that you can start the upgrade for the Clown College immediately, by adding 10 extra staff.

If you manage to do this, you will increase the capacity offered by the Clown College by 1,650, which is pretty sweet!

Guide For The CityVille Library Upgrade

Well, mayors! It’s that time of the day when you have to upgrade once more one of your buildings in CityVille. This time we’re talking about an upgrade for the Library, one that you should complete without too much trouble: just read on this guide to learn everything about the upgrading process of the CityVille Library!

You can upgrade the Library if you are at least level 20 and have 1,000 population. An icon will appear above the Library, letting you know that an upgrade is available.

After clicking it, you will be taken to a very familiar window where you will have to add crew members in order to complete the upgrade: you will need to fill in 5 new positions and the Level 2 Library should now support 500 population.

CityVille Gets Higher Education Series Of Missions

Zynga has introduced two new buildings in CityVille, part of the Higher Education theme, and a new series of missions has appeared in the game for us to complete: it’s a set of no less than 7 new missions I am sure you’ll enjoy completing. Let’s check out the details about the CityVille Higher Education missions below:

Louise’s Homework CityVille Mission
- Have 1 Downtown Library in your city
- Collect from any Downtown Library 3 times

Higher Education! CityVille Mission
- Ask friends for 3 New Books
- Collect 1 Fountain Pen from the Bookworm Collection
- Collect rent from 40 Residences in your city

Edgar Gets Flunky CityVille Mission
- Collect from your franchises 2 times
- Send 30 Tour Buses to your neighbors’ Businesses
- Collect from any Bank 2 times in your city

Education Rules CityVille Mission
- Visit 15 friends
- Ask friends for 10 Pro Education Posters

Edgar’s College Try CityVille Mission
- Have 30,000 Coins
- Collect from any City Hall 2 times in your city
- Ask friends for 10 Hammers

Education Rises CityVille Mission
- Place Community College
- Collect from any Community College 2 times in your city
- Have 1 Crossing Guard

Bird Doctor CityVille Mission
- Ask friends for 8 Bird Books
- Have 1 Arboretum

Higher Education CityVille Buildings: Community College, Downtown Library And More

As I’ve told you already, Zynga has released the Higher Education mission series in CityVille and alongside it, a bunch of new buildings and decorations to turn up the culture level in CityVille. Below you can check out all the details about the two new buildings and the set of Higher Education-themed decorations (you can click the image to expand it):

Community Buildings:

Downtown Library
Cost: 20,000 coins
Allows: 600 population

Community College
Cost: 30,000 coins
Allows: 1,300 population


Crossing Guard (costs 300 coins, 1% bonus)
Students (mission reward, 4% bonus)
Frisbee fun (mission reward, 9% bonus)
Footbaggers (mission reward, 4% bonus)

Thursday 29 March 2012

CityVille Bank And Zynga Gazette Released!

There are two new community buildings available in CityVille starting today, meaning that the newly released housing buildings will now have reasons to be placed. The new community buildings that have been made available for purchase in the game are the CityVille Bank and the Zynga Gazette.

Here are the details for the CityVille Bank:

LVL Requirement: 13
Cost: 6,000 coins
Population increase: 250

Here are the details for the Zynga Gazette in CityVille:

LVL Requirement: 25
Cost: 18,000 coins
Population increase: 450

Guide For The CityVille Aquarium Upgrade

A new building is being put on the upgrading block in CityVille – the Aquarium. Unlike the upgrades of the previous community buildings, this one is a little easier to achieve and gives nice bonuses as well. So read on to find out everything about the CityVille Aquarium upgrade and, of course, for the upgrade material links!

In order to upgrade your Aquarium to level 2, you must be at least level 14 yourself and have at least 800 population. If you meet the requirements, you will see the upgrade arrow above the Aquarium and you can start the upgrade, which is pretty simple and only requires collecting two materials: Seahorses and Starfish:

After completing the upgrade of the Aquarium to level 2, it will have a brand new look and allow 520 population.
For a level 3 Aquarium, things are similar, but you need 20 of each of the materials and after completing the upgrade, the new building will support 1,100 population.

As promised, I have to share with you the Aquarium upgrade material links, so just click them below:
- CityVille seahorse building material link
- CityVille starfish building material link

CityVille’s Best Community Building Released: Discovery Aquarium

The Discovery Aquarium has just been released by Zynga in CityVille for their summer celebrations in the game and the title is not a lie: the Discovery Aquarium is the best community building in the game in terms of efficiency.

This means that if you purchase the Discovery Aquarium, you will instantly have place for 2,500 more population. The problem (because, yes, every dream must end up with a problem) is the price: this otherwise really useful building costs a whooping 90 City Cash to own! Check it out below:

Build Your CityVille Aquarium!

A new community building has been released in CityVille – the Aquarium. The new attraction costs just 7,000 coins and allows 280 population. Here is the teaser image for the aquarium:

If you decide to build an aquarium in CityVille, you will also need 10 of your friends to fill up the aquarium jobs. For now, there doesn’t appear to be any other functionality associated to the CityVille Aquarium.

Guide To The CityVille Energy Ghosts: Get Free Energy And Coins!

A nice new feature has been introduced in CityVille just in time for Halloween this year, the Energy Ghosts, a new series of bandits in our favorite city building game. I am sure you are curious to find out everything about the Energy Ghosts, as well as the great rewards that they are bringing, so read on this guide!

The fact is that you have to be really quick when it comes to catching the Energy Ghosts in CityVille, which are introduced via a quest: you only have 60 seconds to catch as many ghosts as possible once the mission starts, so be very careful and make sure you’re ready!

Catching Energy Ghosts is really easy: if you have roads in your city (and you should have a ton of them already), you will see little ghosts walking on them. All you have to do is click them, and for each ghost that you click, you will receive 1 energy and 30 coins. Good luck catching as many Energy Ghosts as possible in CityVille!

CityVille Dam Goals: Increase Your CityVille Energy Bar!

As you probably know already, the CityVille Dam is coming and based on the goal requirements that I’m going to share with you below, it’s going to be magical! I am saying that because it appears that the Dam will help increase our energy bar by at least 10 points which, by any means, is HUGE!

So read on to find out everything about the CityVille Dam Missions and the energy bar increase requirements!

CityVille Dam Mission I
Power Your City
Place your Dam
Plant on 15 Plots

CityVille Dam Mission II
Get the Dam Working
Finish your Dam
Supply your Dam
Ask for 6 Reflector Units

CityVille Dam Mission III
Making Progress
Harvest 20 Plots
Send out 10 Ships
Increase your Energy Cap by three

CityVille Dam Mission IV
Fill’er Up
Collect City Works 2 times
Unwither 20 Plots in your friends’ cities
Increase your Energy Cap by seven

The CityVille Game Bar Rewards You With 5 Energy Every 8 Hours

Finally, Zynga has launched the CityVille Game Bar for everybody to use, and it’s a really nice thing to have, especially if you are a sucker (like most of us) for free energy in the game!

Despite offering a bonus of 5 extra energy every 8 hours, the CityVille Game Bar also allows you to see when your goods are ready, or when you have new in-game requests, like new gift requests.

All you have to do to install the CityVille Game Bar is to click the install button above the CityVille game screen and get it for your browser. It’s really simple to install and really useful to have.

Will you install the CityVille Game bar or say pass to it?

How To Get More City Cash In CityVille

In CityVille, the most difficult to get type of currency is the City Cash (or CityVille Cash), which is used to purchase the most special buildings and decorations, as well as unlock other special features. Usually, the City Cash can be obtained by spending real money to purchase it, but that’s not the only way to increase your reserve of City Cash. Therefore, read on this article for a complete guide on how to get more City Cash in CityVille!

The first method of getting more City Cash, as posted above, is by purchasing it directly with real money. In order to do so, simply click the “Add coins and cash” tab above the game screen or the similar tab in-game, under your city finances. Here are the rates for purchasing City Cash in CityVille:

- 15 CC for $2.24
- 40 CC for $5.60
- 75 CC for $10,08
- 170 CC for $21.28
- 465 CC for $54.88
- 1,000 CC for $110,88
Alternately, you can earn City Cash in CityVille by completing offers. At the moment, there are seven offers that you can complete in order to earn city cash, like completing Amazon Tasks, taking surveys or paying with your Cell Phone. You can find all the offers under the Earn City Cash tab in-game.

But what about FREE City Cash for you? You can get some Free City Cash in a few ways, but don’t expect to get too rich with that! Here is how to get City Cash for Free in CityVille:

- Keep an eye on the offers mentioned above. You might find some that give you free city cash
- Level up! Each time you level up, you get 1 City Cash in return!
- Game Cards. Make sure somebody loves you and tell them you’d like a Zynga game card. If they buy it and send it to you, you can redeem the City Cash from it!

And these should be the ways to get more CityCash in Zynga’s CityVille. Please DO NOT let yourself fooled by Scam Facebook groups that try to convince you that you can get a lot of City Cash for Free by joining their pages or something similar – you won’t and most likely you will get scammed! So play safe!

CityVille Free Gifts For Purchasing City Cash For A Limited Time

If you were waiting for a good time to purchase City Cash in CityVille, now might be a great time because Zynga has decided to bring in a free gifts promo that you can certainly not say NO to! Even better, the offer stands even for $5 purchases, so Zynga isn’t just trying to rip you off!

Here are the free items that you can win by purchasing City Cash in CityVille:

Kitty Play Park for purchasing 40 City Cash ($5 value)
Cove Condo for purchasing 179 City Cash ($20 value)
Shoreline Suites for purchasing 465 City Cash ($50 value)

Zynga Offers Free Gifts For Purchasing City Cash

Zynga appears to be in a very cheerful mood today, since they’re offering a very special deal to, apparently, randomly selected people (although I am sure that at a point everybody will receive this offer): everybody who purchases some extra City Cash will also receive a free gift from Zynga.

Here are the current deals that Zynga is running in CityVille:
Spend $5 for 40 City Cash and a free Sundial
Spend $20 for179 City Cash and a free Blue Lighthouse
Spend $50 for 465 City Cash and a free Bouncy Gator

Pretty interesting, especially for those who want to make a one-time purchase of City Cash and would love to see it count!

CityVille Receives Doggy Day Care Building

Even though fully featured dogs have not been introduced (at least not yet) in CityVille, the first step has been made: Zynga has released the Doggy Day Care community building in CityVille and you can start building it right away.

The stats for this new building, the Doggy Day Care are:
- costs 14,000 coins
- allows 360 citizens

It’s also pretty simple to build: you only need to whack it 6 times, then fill it with seven members as a crew. In order to select the crew members you only have to send individual requests to your neighbors who will most certainly fill up the spots immediately.

CityVille Building Guide: City Hall

The City Hall is a CityVille community building, meaning that it’s required in order to increase your city population and get a bigger, better city. It is also required to complete the goal Build City Hall, which allows you to be one step closer to become the city Mayor!

However, building the City Hall is not as simple as it might seem, as you first need to purchase it from the Build menu, under the Community Buildings tab, for 1,000 coins, as you can see in the image below:

Then, you will need to whack the building a few times before being allowed to finish it… and when you click to finish your City Hall, you’ll realize that you need three friends to fill in the jobs of Council Member, City Treasurer and City Clerk:

You can “Hire friends” by clicking the indicated button and selecting the friends from the list, or you can fill each position individually for the price of 1 City Cash per job. Also, if you don’t have enough friends playing the game, you can add some extra CityVille neighbors here.

Guide For The CityVille City Works Upgrade

It appears that Zynga has finally listened to those who were stating that the upgrade process in CityVille is very boring and the company decided to add a twist for the upgrade process of the latest upgradable building in the game, the City Works. If you want to find out everything about the new mechanics, check out my CityVille City Works upgrade guide!

First of all, it’s worth noting that you can only start the upgrade of the City Works when you reach level 9 and you have a total of 1150 population. Once you get there, simply click the building and you will see the upgrade menu. You will need upgrade parts to complete it, as seen in the image below:

You can collect the required items by asking friends or paying with city cash. Once you get your City Works to level 2, the new building will support 650 population and will have an improved look.

CityVille New Community Building: City Works

In a quick update, Zynga has introduced a brand new Community Building to CityVille: the City Works and it appears that it’s not going to be introduced to us by a quest. Either way, we should build it since it looks awesome:

Here are the stats for the CityVille City Works:

Cost: 6,500 coins
Allows 350 population

Get 10 Free XP And 50 Free Goods In CityVille Now

I found two links that offer a few freebies in CityVille and even the rewards are not actually that big, what matters the most is that we’re talking about free stuff here, so it wouldn’t hurt to get them: 10 free XP and 50 free goods in CityVille. All you have to do is to click the links below – but make sure you do it fast, because the offer might expire anytime!

- Click here to get 10 free XP in CityVille
- Click here to get 50 free goods in CityVille

CityVille RewardVille: List Of Items You Can Win

As you probably know already, RewardVille is a new program launched by Zynga, aiming to reward active CityVille players with all sorts of exclusive in-game items that can be won only via RewardVille. Even though the concept itself is in beta stage and it’s slowly rolled out to players, we have managed to get our hands on the complete list of items you can win in CityVille via RewardVille, as well as their prices!

- Brown Spotted Dog – 39 zCoins
- Black Goat – 48 zCoins
- Yellow Flower Patch – 32 zCoins
- Pretzel Food Cart – 8 zCoins
- Lamp Post – 16 zCoins
- Panda Bush Sculpture – 24 zCoins
- Nutcracker – 20 zCoins
- Deer Topiary – 40 zCoins
- Brown Spotted Cow – 58 zCoins
- Tan City Wall – 48 zCoins
- News Stand – 72 zCoins
- Modern Sculpture 1 – 64 zCoins
- City Billboard – 96 zCoins
- Old Frontier House – 76 zCoins
- Water Tower – 80 zCoins
- Day Care Center – 100 zCoins
- Jeans Store – 120 zCoins
- DVD Rental Store – 120 zCoins
- Lamp Store – 110 zCoins
- Clock Tower – 130 zCoins
- Coastal Rowhouse – 120 zCoins
- Downtown Flat – 140 zCoins
- Skyrise Heights – 160 zCoins
- Stepped SkyScraper – 200 zCoins

CityVille Welcome Japan Welcome The World Mission Series Guide

The Welcome the World event in CityVille continues with a new set of short missions, this time welcoming Japan to the game. I am here to share with you all the details about the new Welcome Japan missions in CityVille, so read on if you are interested!

Welcome Japan! mission
- Place Golden Palace
- Collect 20 Cherry Blossoms
- Collect 10 Dango from Japanese Restaurants
Rewards: Japanese House

Say Hello to Tokyo! mission
- Collect from 30 Skyrise Residences
- Ask friends for 15 Origami Buildings
- Collect 15 City Sketches from Community Buildings
Rewards: 15 XP and 2,000 coins

The Rising Son mission
- Collect from Golden Palace 6 Times
- Collect from City Dojo 10 Times
- Collect from Japanese Businesses 20 Times
Rewards: Mugatu Media Inc

New Japanese Themed Items Arrive In CityVille

A new country theme is going live this week in CityVille and this time we’re getting Japanese Themed items from Zynga. If you’re curious about all the details of the newly released items, check out the information below – it’s all you need (plus some extra money) to turn your city into a Japanese one!

Tokyo Highrise
Cost: 55 City Cash
Population: 1,350 – 2,650
Rent: 250 every 8 hours

Japanese Farm House
Cost: 100,000 coins
Population: 350 – 680
Rent: 194 every 4 hours

Tranquil Japanese Cabin
Cost: 35,000 coins
Population: 220 – 430
Rent: 142 every 2 hours

Suzushii Fan Shop
Cost: 50,000 coins
Supply: 125 goods
Earnings: 799 coins

Kanpeki Pagoda
Cost: 35 City Cash
Allows 1,100 population

Hoshi Gate: 18 City Cash, 23% bonus
Koi Wind Catchers: 9 City Cash, 6% bonus

Help Japan Earthquake Victims By Buying Lettuce In CityVille

Zynga’s CityVille and Save the Children are partnering together to help victims of the Japanese Earthquake with your help, of course: a new crop has been released in CityVille, the Lettuce. If you purchase the Lettuce, all the money Zynga gets from them will be sent in Japan to help the Earthquake victims.

Here are the stats for the CityVille Earthquake Relief Lettuce, as seen in the image above:

Cost: 8 City Cash (each plot)
Instant Growth
Does Not Wither
Gives: 425 goods

It’s a really nice crop but most importantly, it helps the people in Japan so it’s a good deed placed in your notebook.

Tuesday 27 March 2012

CityVille Brazil Theme Brings In A Ton Of Great New Items

Probably one of the freshest themes released in CityVille lately is the one that just went live today, the Brazil theme in CityVille that brought in a ton of great new items and I am here to share all the details about them. So let’s not waste any time and check out the new items that you can purchase in CityVille for a limited time as part of this cool Brazil theme!

New Brazil themed Residences

Contemporary Condo
Cost: 65 City Cash
Population: 600 – 850
Money: 864 coins per 24 hours

Dawn Duplex
Cost: 25,000 coins
Population: 150 – 250
Money: 60 coins per hour

New Brazil Themed Community Building

Brazilian Congress
Cost: 75 City Cash
Population: 2,250

New Brazil Themed Decorations

Iguazu Falls: 45 City Cash, +40% bonus
Rio Ray Phones: 2,000 coins, +4% bonus
Brazilian Flag: 1,000 coins, 1% bonus
Portuguese Pavement: 50 coins
Brazilian Cloth: 1,000 coins

New CityVille Greek Theme Brings The Pantheon And More!

A great new theme has just been released in CityVille, the Greek Theme which brings in a lot of buildings and decorations that are inspired from the Ancient Greece, including the Pantheon and even Spartan Soldiers (unfortunately, they can’t yell “This is Spartaaaaa!”). Jokes aside, I am sure that you’re curious to find out everything about the Greek theme in CityVille, so read on to see the new additions:

Community Buildings: the Pantheon and Homer Library

Residences: Stathatos Mansion and House of Ephesus
Greek Themed Decorations: Perseus Statue, Spartan Soldiers, Olive Tree, Ancient Cobblestone, Stone Pathway

Spring Theme Goes Live In CityVille

Spring has arrived to CityVille and it has brought us a bunch of new decorations, plus new homes and a shop, all of them Spring-themed. If you want to find out everything about the new Springtime items released in CityVille by Zynga, read on!

Breezy Cabin
Costs: 20,000 coins
Population: 130
Rent: 303 every 3.1 days

Garden Cottage
Costs: 1,000,000 coins
Population: 700
Rent: 195 coins every 8 hours

Luggage Store
Costs: 200,000 coins
Revenue: 636 coins
Goods required: 120

The new decoration, as you can see in the image above, are the Purple Blossom, Dog walker and more.

New Italian Themed Buildings Released In CityVille, Details Here

Zynga has released a bunch of new Italian-themed buildings in CityVille and the Don (if there is one in your virtual city) should be really pleased with the quality of the release. Not necessarily the price, though, since most of these new items are available for City Cash only.

But let’s check out the new batch of Italian content released today in CityVille!

Milan Opera House
Cost: 100,000 coins
Allows: 1,250 population

Maricano Hotel
Cost: 60 City Cash (can preview)
Population: 1,550 – 3,050
Rent: 200 coins every 4 hours

Valenti Villa
Cost: 45 City Cash (can preview)
Population: 900 – 1,800
Rent: 99 coins every hour

Angelica Apartments
Cost: 100,000 coins
Population: 350 – 680
Rent: 242 coins every 8 hours

Dominic’s Restaurant
Cost: 50 City Cash (can preview)
Supply: 355 goods
Revenue: 1870 coins

Opera Singer: 7 City Cash, 3% bonus
Italian Flag: 1,000 coins, 3% bonus

CityVille Guide To Italian Castle And Italian Castle Missions

You can bring some style to your CityVille city right now by starting to build the Italian Castle in the game. This new building also came with a brand new mission series (three quests), with one of them also rewarding us with a cool Trevi Fountain. I’m sure you’re curious to find all the details about this update, the Italian Castle requirements and the Italian Castle Missions, so read on!

If you are at least level 30 in CityVille, you will receive a new mission that introduces the Italian Castle. Here are the mission’s requirements:

Relic Hunter Mission

- Place and Finish the Italian Castle
- Collect from 3 Cruise Ships
- Ask Friends for 12 Italian Relics
Rewards: 100 XP and 5 Energy

I will continue now with details for the rest of the missions in this new series (there are 2 more missions) and after that we’ll talk about completing the Italian Castle.

To Catch a Thief Mission
- Collect 30 Italian Relics from Buildings or Friends
- Catch 5 Bandits
- Collect 6 times from the Italian Castle
Rewards: 175 XP and 5 Energy

Tourist Attraction Mission
- Send 50 Tour Busses to Neighbors
- Collect 20 times from the Venetian Mask Shop
- Increase population by 400
Rewards: Trevi Fountain and 1,400 goods

Italian Theme Brings Panini Shop, Pizzeria And More In CityVille

Lorenzo has arrived in CityVille and as a result, a new theme has been released by Zynga in the game: the Italian Theme that brings to us a bunch of lovely new decorations, buildings and businesses, all with an Italian flavor. Read on to learn everything about the new Italian decorations in CityVille:

Let’s start with the new businesses:

Costs: 6,700 coins
Earns: 630 coins
Requires; 140 goods

Cheese Market
Costs: 7,200 coins
Earns: 690 coins
Requires: 150 goods

Panini Shop
Costs: 6,300 coins
Earns: 528 coins
Requires: 120 goods

Italian Ice Parlor
Costs: 25 City Cash
Earns: 715 coins
Requires: 130 goods

There are also two new residential buildings:

Milan Apartments
Costs: 7,000 coins
Population: 100
Rent: 215 coins/day

Tuscan Villa
Costs: 9,500 coins
Population: 110
Rent: 80 coins/2 hours

And finally, a new community building with the following stats:

Cooking School
Costs: 19,500 coins
Allows: 470 population

As I told you in the intro, there are also a bunch of Italy-themed decorations released:

- Street flag (200 coins, 1% payout)
- Soccer dribbler (8 City cash, 2% payout)
- Piazza Pylon (1,000 coins, 4% payout)
- Chess Corner (28 City Cash, 8% payout)
- Piazza Bikes (150 coins, 1% payout)
- Piazza Sidewalk (25 coins)
- Bocce Ballers (28 City Cash, 16% payout)
- Piazza Eatery (2,500 coins, 8% payout)
- Bike Rack (free gift, 1% bonus)
- Piazza Guardrail (free gift, 1% bonus)
- Alleyway (8,000 coins, 6% payout)
- Alley (10,000 coins, 8% payout)

CityVille Unreleased Bank, Pharmacy, Factory, Quick Stop

CityVille has been launched, but apparently not all the buildings were made available to the public by Zynga, who still has a ton of unreleased content waiting for the right time to come out. And since businesses are a major part of the game, that’s exactly what Zynga has been working for.

Here are some unreleased businesses with the images attached (no pricing or details available):

Unreleased CityVille Bank

Unreleased CityVille Pharmacy

Unreleased CityVille Factory
Unreleased CityVille Quick Stop
Unreleased CityVille Gas Station