Friday 23 March 2012

Everything About The CityVille Lost Puppy

Today when I logged in I noticed that I had a few “Limited item” gift requests, asking me to adopt a lost brown puppy in CityVille and I started to wonder where did that lost puppy come to. Soon the answer to my question was heard: the lost puppy is a new animal in CityVille, one that we can share with our friends – both CityVille players and not.
At a certain point while playing the game, you will get a pop-up message like the one in the image below, announcing you that you have found a lost puppy and inviting you to find it a home. And if you do the mistake of looking into the wet eyes of the poor little animal, you will certainly click the “Find Puppy a Home” button:

After doing so, you will get a list with all your friends and be invited to send them the puppy. This is, in other words, a nice way for Zynga to let even more non-CityVille players about the existence of the game and hopefully get even more players for their most popular game ever.

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